112 MacTanly Place
Staunton, VA 24401
phone: 540-885-5174
fax: 540-885-2687
Welcome to the CSPDC
The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) represents and serves the local governments of Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rockingham counties and the cities of Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Staunton and Waynesboro as well as the 11 towns within the Central Shenandoah region.
The CSPDC works with its member jurisdictions, communities and agencies to provide high-quality planning, technical assistance, and facilitation of services that address local, regional and state needs in an innovative, timely and cooperative manner. Covering everything from land use planning, transportation, water and waste-water utilities, natural resource management, affordable housing, economic and community development, disaster mitigation and preparedness, agritourism to human services, the CSPDC is an invaluable asset to the quality of life in the Shenandoah Valley. For more information about the CSPDC, click here.
Latest News
2020 Census Data
In August, the U.S. Census Bureau launched state-by-state profiles highlighting the preliminary findings of the 2020 Census. In addition to data on population growth, race, and the Hispanic population, the rollout also included totals for housing units and vacancy.
The total number of reported housing units in the CSPDC region is 131,088, a 4.5% increase since the 2010 Census estimate. In comparison, Virginia has seen a 7.5% increase in housing units over the past 10 years. Some localities have experienced more rapid housing unit growth than others; for example, housing units in Harrisonburg increased by 6.8% over the past decade.
Vacancy in the CSPDC region is estimated at 10%, which is a 2.6% decrease from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey (ACS) five year estimate. The State has consistently maintained a slightly lower vacancy rate, where vacancy currently sits at 8.2%.
The Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service announced that more detailed data, including information on age, gender, family type, and homeownership, will not be released until 2022. The Weldon Cooper Center also cautions that there are significant data reliability concerns with Census 2020 data. Every data element has been injected with “noise” through a new method called “differential privacy” – which involves artificially increasing or decreasing numbers. Additionally, the pandemic negatively impacted Census participation and results. The CSPDC will monitor the Census website for any updates regarding future data releases.
Request for Proposals – Now Open
The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) is seeking proposals from qualified firms interested in being included on an on-call list for the CSPDC’s On-Call Consultant Program. The CSPDC represents a five-county area in the central portion of Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, including the Cities of Harrisonburg, Lexington, Buena Vista, Staunton, and Waynesboro; the counties of Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, Rockingham, and the towns within.
The On-Call Consultant Program facilitates quick delivery of planning, architectural, engineering, and other services for local and regional projects. Other entities, including the CSPDC’s member jurisdictions, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham MPO, and the Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro MPO, may purchase services through the On-Call Consultant Program. Additional information regarding proposal guidelines and requirements is listed in the Request for Proposal.
Proposals will be accepted until June 9, 2021, at 2:00 P.M.
Grant Resource Guide
For over 50 years, the CSPDC has been providing planning services and technical assistance to its member jurisdictions. One of many resources provided by the CSPDC is the Grant Resource Guide that contains regularly updated information on many of the grants available in our region. The Grant Resource Guide lists state and federal grant sources and links to grant agency websites. These grant resources are categorized by funding and project types, including opportunities related to COVID-19.
News from the CSPDC Region Monthly Newsletter
Read News from the CSPDC Region, Our Monthly Newsletter - March 2025.
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