112 MacTanly Place
Staunton, VA 24401
phone: 540-885-5174
fax: 540-885-2687
Welcome to the CSPDC
The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) represents and serves the local governments of Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rockingham counties and the cities of Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Staunton and Waynesboro as well as the 11 towns within the Central Shenandoah region.
The CSPDC works with its member jurisdictions, communities and agencies to provide high-quality planning, technical assistance, and facilitation of services that address local, regional and state needs in an innovative, timely and cooperative manner. Covering everything from land use planning, transportation, water and waste-water utilities, natural resource management, affordable housing, economic and community development, disaster mitigation and preparedness, agritourism to human services, the CSPDC is an invaluable asset to the quality of life in the Shenandoah Valley. For more information about the CSPDC, click here.
Latest News
Afton Express Experiencing Increased Ridership
The Afton Express has seen an increase in ridership as gas prices remain high. Ridership has been steadily growing since the service launched in September of 2021, but has really taken off in the last few months. From February to May, the CSPDC saw passenger counts increase by about 5% each month as more people learn of the service. From May to June that number jumped to 25%. As of June, the Afton Express sees between 45 and 50 passenger trips per day Monday through Thursday. Ridership is slightly lower on Friday, as people may take vacation, or may drive their own car to get a head start on their weekend plans.
CSPDC Planners attribute the increase in ridership to several factors. Gas prices are likely a factor. Additionally, more employees are transitioning back to an in-person work schedule. And finally, the partnership with the University of Virginia’s Parking and Transportation Office has made it easier for UVA employees to purchase Afton Express farecards.
An expansion of the service is planned for the fall of 2022. The CSPDC seeks to add an additional run in the evening that would allow the Afton Express to better serve hospital staff who work 12-hour shifts and get off work later than the service currently runs.
For more information about the Afton Express, visit www.aftonexpress.org
Buena Vista’s $1M CDBG Downtown Revitalization Project is Underway
Buena Vista is moving forward with downtown revitalization activities. This spring, the City jumped into its $1M Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the Department of Housing and Community Development. The $1M CDBG project will fund streetscape enhancements along the City’s 21st Street Corridor, upgrade wayfinding signage throughout downtown, and develop a façade improvement program.
In May, Buena Vista installed an official project sign outside City Hall to note the project location, contractors, and funding source. The City has also launched its new, CDBG Façade Improvement Program. City staff and the project architect are currently collaborating with 14 downtown property owners to create façade design proposals. With approval from DHR, Buena Vista will finalize improvements with property owners, procure a contractor, and begin work to the downtown building exteriors. The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission is providing grant management services for the project.
Localities Selected to Participate in Work from Home Pilot Program
This April, the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) launched a Work from Home Pilot Program and selected three localities in the Central Shenandoah Region to participate: Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, and Highland County. (DHCD also selected the Town of Luray and Marion.) Through the Pilot Program, the National Main Street Center and Virginia Main Street will provide technical assistance to assess remote work and residential attraction as a community revitalization strategy. The program kicks off this May and will result in place-based recommendations and a feasibility report.
COVID-19 accelerated remote work trends and enabled many to relocate and telework. DHCD’s Work from Home Pilot Program will help localities pursue, prepare for, or respond to remote work migration. At a regional level, remote work has been discussed in terms of COVID-19 recovery and economic development. The CSPDC’s COVID-19 Economic Impact Report, prepared by Chmura Analytics, includes a remote work analysis, and information on telework plans, remote work trends, and broadband. More remote work resources are available on the CSPDC’s COVID-19 Recovery Webpage.
News from the CSPDC Region Monthly Newsletter
Read News from the CSPDC Region, Our Monthly Newsletter - December 2024.
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