
50 Years of Regional Housing Assistance

Over the past 50 years, the CSPDC has assisted localities with a variety of programs, housing studies, and funding applications that provide safe, livable housing and access to public utilities. Projects throughout the region have included rehabbing substandard housing, replacing or installing new water, sewer, and indoor plumbing, drainage systems, relocating homes outside of flood zones, and providing low-interest mortgage loans and down payment assistance to first time home buyers.
In 1999, the HOME Down Payment Assistance program was established to assist first-time low-to moderate-income households purchase homes. Twenty years later, this program is still available and has assisted almost 250 households in the region.
Currently Rockbridge County is finishing a three-year housing project that provides affordable housing in the Greenhouse Village neighborhood. Rockbridge County partnered with Rockbridge Area Habitat for Humanity to build 35 new homes and install the necessary infrastructure like roads, water, and sewer to develop the neighborhood. Each year, one of the houses constructed is a modular home built by students at the Rockbridge County High School and moved to the site. The project is funded through the state’s Community Development Block Grant program.
The CSPDC is proud to have helped thousands of individuals within the region gain a safe, decent, and sanitary place to call home.

Request for Quote (RFQ) for On-Call Legal Services

This Request for Quote (RFQ) (and any Amendments) is to contract for on-call legal services to be provided to the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024, with the potential for a total of three (3) one-year extension periods. Please click here for additional information:

Amendment #1 – 2/14/19

CSPDC Updates Mitigation Plan

In January, the CSPDC began updating the Central Shenandoah Valley All Hazards Mitigation Plan that was created in 2005 and previously updated in 2013. During the update, hazards are examined, risks assessed, and mitigation options such as local planning/regulations, structure and infrastructure projects, and education/awareness programs are identified.
Under Title 44 of the Federal Code of Regulations, a FEMA approved mitigation plan is required to receive certain mitigation funding in the aftermath of a federally declared disaster. This plan enables a community to adapt to changing conditions and ensures a rapid recovery from disruption. Through the plan, communities in the Central Shenandoah Valley participate in a planning process that allows them to proactively protect themselves, build self-sufficiency, and become more sustainable.

SMART Scale Projects Scored

The Secretary of Transportation released a list of scored and ranked SMART SCALEproject applications to the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) on January 15, 2019. The list included the top scoring projects proposed for funding. SMART SCALE projects are funded through a Statewide High Priority Project fund, and through District Grant funds. Nine projects in the CSPDC region are proposed for funding out of 35 submitted.
CSPDC supported the SMART SCALE effort throughout 2018 by sharing information with localities and VDOT, developing project applications, reviewing applications, and providing resolutions of support from the Commission and MPOs. The Secretary’s staff will continue to work with the CTB to finalize the funded projects list prior to its adoption in the FY 2020 Six Year Improvement Program in June, 2019.

HOME Funds Awarded

The HOME Down Payment Assistance Program in the Central Shenandoah Valley region has received funding to assist approximately eight first-time, low to moderate income homebuyers in 2019. Created to help eligible homebuyers obtain safe and affordable housing, this program has helped approximately 250 people in our region grow their personal wealth and equity through home ownership. The CSPDC partners with lenders and housing providers in the area to identify eligible homebuyers.