
SMART Scale Projects Scored

The Secretary of Transportation released a list of scored and ranked SMART SCALEproject applications to the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) on January 15, 2019. The list included the top scoring projects proposed for funding. SMART SCALE projects are funded through a Statewide High Priority Project fund, and through District Grant funds. Nine projects in the CSPDC region are proposed for funding out of 35 submitted.
CSPDC supported the SMART SCALE effort throughout 2018 by sharing information with localities and VDOT, developing project applications, reviewing applications, and providing resolutions of support from the Commission and MPOs. The Secretary’s staff will continue to work with the CTB to finalize the funded projects list prior to its adoption in the FY 2020 Six Year Improvement Program in June, 2019.

HOME Funds Awarded

The HOME Down Payment Assistance Program in the Central Shenandoah Valley region has received funding to assist approximately eight first-time, low to moderate income homebuyers in 2019. Created to help eligible homebuyers obtain safe and affordable housing, this program has helped approximately 250 people in our region grow their personal wealth and equity through home ownership. The CSPDC partners with lenders and housing providers in the area to identify eligible homebuyers.

CSPDC Welcomes New Commissioners

Mr. Butch Wells was appointed to the CSPDC Commission to represent Augusta County. He is a member of the Augusta County Board of Supervisors and a retired Chief of Police for the City of Staunton.
Mr. Sal Romero was appointed as the City of Harrisonburg’s representative to the CSPDC to replace Mr. Ted Byrd. Mr. Romero, Harrisonburg City Council Vice Chairman, is Coordinator of Family and Community Engagement for Harrisonburg City Public Schools.

HRMPO Studies Port Republic Road

The Harrisonburg – Rockingham MPO is conducting an operational and safety analysis of the Port Republic Road corridor between South Main Street and Devon Lane in Harrisonburg and testing the outcomes of specific treatments to determine their effectiveness. The results supported by 3-D visualizations and measurable benefits, will provide decision makers and the public with recommended improvements. The objective is to reduce travel times and improve the level of service and safety to this primary corridor.
A  public meeting to solicit community input on potential improvements will be heldWednesday, February 20, 2019 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Harrisonburg City Council Chambers, 409 South Main Street.

B-H Broadband Authority Created & Holds First Meeting

The Bath-Highland Network Authority, created in 2017 to seek broadband solutions and funding opportunities for the counties of Bath and Highland, held its first organizational meeting on January 10, 2019 at the Bolar Ruritan Club in Highland County. The Authority is made up of representatives from Bath County, Highland County, and the Town of Monterey. Mr. Ashton Harrison of Bath County was elected Chair and Ms. Nancy Witschey of Highland County was elected Vice Chair. CSPDC acts as fiscal agent and provides staff support to the Authority. The next Authority meeting will be on April 8, 2019 and will continue to meet quarterly on the second Monday of the month.