
2020 VATI Input Sessions 

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will host two input sessions to discuss the proposed FY2020 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) guidelines and criteria. The first session will focus on gathering feedback and input from internet service providers, while the second input session will focus on gathering feedback and input from units of local government and citizens. The first meeting will be held on May 17 in Richmond and the second May 28 in Glen Allen. Registration is requested for attendance.
DHCD has $19 million in VATI Funds to implement broadband infrastructure deployment in partnership with units of local government and private internet service providers across the Commonwealth. The funds will be used to extend service to areas that presently are unserved by any broadband provider.

May is National Bike Month

May is National Bike Month – an annual celebration to increase awareness and participation in bicycling, and showcase its many health and environmental benefits.
The CSPDC’s Bike the Valley and RideShare programs are assisting the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition with events and activities centered around Bike to Work Day (May 17) in the cities of Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Waynesboro.
On Friday, May 17: Staunton’s Bike & Walk to Work Commuter Breakfast will be held  at the Wharf parking lot from 7:30 – 9:30 am. Harrisonburg’s Bike Everywhere Day will be held at Court Square downtown from 7:00 – 10:00 am. On Saturday, May 18: Waynesboro will host Bike the Greenway on the South River Greenway at Constitution Park from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. All three events are free and open to the public.
Visit Bike the Valley and SVBC for additional bike activities being held throughout May, including Bike to School Day on May 8, and the Ride of Silence on May 15.

50 Years of Community Development

In the 1970s, a regional inventory revealed that there were significant needs and lack of financial resources to upgrade existing public utility systems within our region. Since that time, the CSPDC has provided technical assistance to all 21 jurisdictions through identifying and evaluating solutions to problems; assisting with grant applications and administration; assisting with seeking and obtaining financing; and completing GPS and mapping services for utilities.
In 1998, the CSPDC established the Central Shenandoah Development Corporation, a 501c(3) organization. The program provided an innovative approach to providing technical assistance for infrastructure projects and was the first of its kind to be established by any Planning District in Virginia.
To highlight just a few of the projects the CSPDC has been involved with over the years:
  • A $10 million upgrade to a conventional wastewater treatment facility serving Craigsville and the Augusta Correctional Center.
  • A $2.7 million project in Goshen to replace the public water system with new water lines, water storage tank and water meters for each connection. (The previous system experienced a massive failure resulting in a declared state of emergency!)
  • The $2.5 million Bacova Regional Sewer System project, which included improvements to the Hot Springs Treatment Plant to bring a reliable and expanded sewer system to Bath County.
  • A $1 million CDBG grant to the City of Buena Vista to repair Dickinson Well, the city’s largest well source.
These projects have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in our region and were made possible thanks to important partnerships with federal, state and local governments and other organizations.

Pre-Applications for TAP Due: May 15-July 1

The Transportation Alternatives Program, which funds bicycle, pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School projects, will now require pre-applications to be submitted prior to final applications for the next round of TAP funding. Mandatory pre-applications will be accepted between May 15 and July 1, 2019. Final applications are due by October 1, 2019.

VDOT is holding Transportation Alternatives Program application workshops for localities that are interested in applying for funding. The workshops will review program eligibility, application process, and scoring criteria. CSPDC localities are encouraged to attend the workshop scheduled for Wednesday, April 24 at 10:00 am at the VDOT Culpepper District Office. CSPDC staff are also available to assist with writing and submitting TAP applications.

CSPDC Director Attends DDAA-NADO Conference in D.C.

The Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA) and the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) held its joint 2019 Washington DC conference last month. CSPDC Executive Director Bonnie Riedesel along with 500 other local development directors from around the country attended the annual conference in Arlington.
The conference offered an opportunity for DDAA and NADO members to come to the Nation’s Capital to gain valuable insight into national issues and learn about new federal policy priorities, while still focusing on building strong regional economies and communities back home. The three main topic areas that were covered at the conference included rural broadband, entrepreneurship, and substance abuse and its impact on the workforce.

While there, a group of Virginia PDC directors, VAPDC president and VAPDC Director met with several of Virginia’s congressional staff and legislative aides at the Capital. This meeting was an opportunity to highlight some of the projects and programs in the PDC regions and leverage future federal investments and support for these programs.