
Draft BRITE Title VI Plan Available for Public Comment

Free WiFi Hotspots Available

With the help of local officials, schools, and libraries across Virginia, the Commonwealth Connect team and Virginia Tech have developed an interactive map of free, publicly available WiFi hotspots that Virginians can access from a vehicle.

FY21 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has announced its plan to award $19 million through their Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) in Fiscal Year 2021. VATI provides last-mile broadband services to unserved areas across the Commonwealth. DHCD is accepting public comments for the Draft FY2021 VATI Program Guidelines and Criteria through May 18, 2020. Written comments can be submitted to

A How-to-Apply webinar with important eligibility information and criteria will be hosted on June 9, 2020. Application are due August 17, 2020.

Grant Resource Guide

For over 50 years, the CSPDC has been providing planning services and technical assistance to its member jurisdictions. One of many resources provided by the CSPDC is the Grant Resource Guide that contains regularly updated information on many of the grants available in our region. The Grant Resource Guide lists state and federal grant sources and links to grant agency websites. These grant resources are categorized by funding and project types, including opportunities related to COVID-19.

Elkton Sidewalk Project

The CSPDC partnered with the Town of Elkton and VDOT to develop a town-wide Pedestrian Masterplan to prioritize the Town’s investments in pedestrian infrastructure. The CSPDC helped evaluate the condition of the Town’s existing pedestrian network, and developed an evaluation criteria to prioritize each of the 20 potential sidewalk projects that the Town can include in its comprehensive plan, future capital improvement plans, and as a baseline for future grant funding applications.

The study will be complete in June 2020 and is the result of the CSPDC’s Rural Work Program, which conducts one study every fiscal year on a transportation-related issue for our rural partners. Please contact the CSPDC if your locality is interested in conducting a study in Fiscal Year 2021.