
SMART SCALE Pre-applications Submitted

Every two years, applicants in our region submit applications in SMART SCALE, which funds up to 100% of a transportation project’s cost through a competitive scoring process. CSPDC partnered with multiple local governments to submit a record 17 SMART SCALE pre-applications on April 17, 2020. The CSPDC, SAWMPO, and BRITE Transit each submitted four pre-applications. HRMPO submitted five. VDOT and DRPT will review the pre-applications in April and May. During June and July, CSPDC and local staff will develop full applications for the projects green-lighted to proceed from the pre-application phase.

Final applications submitted in August will be reviewed by VDOT and DRPT staff in late 2020, with project awards announced in early 2021.

May is Bike Month

May is National Bike Month – an annual celebration to increase awareness and participation in bicycling, and showcase its many health and environmental benefits. The most popular day of Bike Month, Bike to Work Day, has been rescheduled to September 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Bike the Valley and RideShare programs, administered by the CSPDC, have created a digital social media campaign to bring public awareness to bicycling in our region. The campaign will be featured throughout the month in addition to important public safety reminders associated with cycling and outdoor activities.

BARC Increases Internet Access in Rockbridge County

BARC Connects has opened up wireless hotspots at four different Rockbridge County Public School parking lots: Mountain View Elementary, Fairfield Elementary, Natural Bridge Elementary, and Rockbridge County High School. BARC’s intent is to offer Internet access at convenient points across the county. Students and parents can practice social distancing by accessing the Internet in the safety of their own vehicle in the parking lot of any of these schools.

CDBG Resources in Response to COVID-19

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is making available current CDBG funding to small cities, towns and rural counties to respond to local needs related to COVID-19 response. Click here to view their Response Fund document.

WIP III Stakeholders Exchange Information

On March 18, 2020 the Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) stakeholder meeting was conducted by conference call to discuss the CSPDC’s scope of work for 2020, specific deliverables, WIP education materials, and BMP trainings and funding opportunities. Participants included representatives from CSPDC localities, the VA Department of Environmental Quality, Soil & Water Conservation Districts, the Valley Conservation Council, Rockbridge Area Conservation Council, and members of the public. The meeting summary is posted on the CSPDC’s WIP III webpage, along with the 2020 scope of work and other project resources.