
Bath County Earns $2M DHS REMCDP Grant

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a notice of award on September 28 to Bath County for $2,000,000 in funding under the Rural Emergency Medical Communications Demonstration Project (REMCDP) grant. The REMCDP seeks to leverage existing technologies and engage non-medical professionals to help establish or sustain statewide medical communications systems and use existing infrastructure to improve the delivery of rural medical care.

This funding stream will assist the Bath and Highland region with their efforts to modernize operability and interoperability systems within a unique geographical and federally restrictive communication setting. Both counties lie within the National Radio Quiet Zone which makes for a challenging environment to garner licensing for public safety and private radio systems. Each jurisdiction is also near the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the National Security Agency Sugar Grove Listening Station. This proximity creates additional hurdles for the area’s communication strategy. The region’s population of approximately 6,350 is served by the Bath Community Hospital (a Critical Access Hospital) and the Highland Medical Center (a Federally Qualified Health Center).

The project period runs through September 2025. For more information on the DHS REMCDP program visit:, or contact the CSPDC at (540) 885-5174.

SAW Housing Summit Partners Launch Community Conversation Series


In partnership with the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge, Augusta Health, Valley Community Services Board, and Valley Homeless Connection, the CSPDC is coordinating community conversations focused on pressing housing issues in our region.

These community conversations are intended as a follow-up to the SAW Housing Summit, held on October 11 and 12. The conversations will focus on topics that were not able to be included in the Summit agenda, but that have emerged as important housing topics to stakeholders in the region.

The first community conversation will be a ‘Sip & Speak’ session at the Embrace Waynesboro Community Center (932 Fir Street) on October 26th at 9am. Participants will be joined by Elizabeth Coltrane with Blue Ridge Legal Services to discuss challenges that renters in the Valley face and landlord-tenant concerns. Coffee will be provided. The second session will be a brown bag ‘Lunch & Learn’ at the Staunton Innovation Hub on November 9th at 12pm. At this session, Lydia Campbell with Valley Community Services Board will share her expertise on the Housing First model, and discuss innovative approaches to addressing homelessness in our community.

The SAW Housing Summit partners plan to hold additional future community conversations based on participant interest. We hope you are able to join us!

CSPDC Adopts Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

On October 16, the CSPDC adopted the 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). As the region’s 5-year plan for economic development, the CEDS provides a vision and a blueprint for greater economic prosperity and growth. Through extensive research and data analysis, an evaluation of regional trends, and a thorough community engagement process, the CEDS leverages and capitalizes on the region’s assets to create an action-oriented plan that promotes quality, sustained economic growth. The updated CEDS defines a renewed Vision for the region, along with revised goals, objectives, and strategies that were determined through the stakeholder engagement process. The primary areas of focus over the next five years include: 1) Workforce Development; 2) Business Attraction and Retention; 3) Housing; 4) Placemaking and Community Building; and 5) Resilience. The plan can be found HERE.

CSPDC Begins LDD Outreach Meetings

CSPDC staff kicked off the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) READY Local Development District (LDD) program with stakeholder outreach meetings involving local government and community leaders. Meetings occurred with local government representatives from the counties of Bath, Highland, and Rockbridge, the cities of Buena Vista and Lexington, and the towns of Glasgow, Goshen, and Monterey in August and September. CSPDC followed up with an ARC READY LDD presentation to community leaders in September and October.

Currently, the remaining stakeholder outreach meetings are scheduled in the Rockbridge Area on October 12 at 11 AM (Virginia Innovation Accelerator in Buena Vista) and on October 26 at 11 AM (Virginia Horse Center in Rockbridge County/Lexington). Over the course of the next several months, CSPDC staff will facilitate stakeholder engagement meetings to develop, prioritize, and compete for federal funding to source locally developed projects.

Initial regional feedback on areas for community improvement generally involve housing (inventory, affordability, quality), infrastructure (poor condition, aging, non-existent, needs expanding), workforce development (economic growth, jobs, livable wages), and wraparound services (daycare/childcare). Targeted funding includes, but is not limited to,  the American Rescue Plan Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. For more information on the ARC and their READY Appalachian programs visit:, or contact the CSPDC at (540) 885-5174.

MPOs Launch New Websites

Both the Staunton Augusta Waynesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (SAWMPO) and the Harrisonburg Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO) have new websites. PDC staff worked with the communications consultant company Avid Core to facilitate the transition of both websites to the WordPress platform.

Each of the websites have been refreshed and reorganized to be more visually appealing and easier to navigate. In addition to improved navigability, the HRMPO and SAWMPO websites include Google Translate to provide translation options for visitors who would prefer to access the websites in a language other than English.

The new websites will keep the MPOs’ work, past and current, accessible to the public as we engage with them on planning matters inside the MPOs.

Visit the new MPO website at for the Harrisonburg-Rockingham MPO and for the Staunton Augusta Waynesboro MPO.