
BRITE Bus Makes Route Changes in Waynesboro and Stuarts Draft

BRITE Bus Makes Route Changes in Waynesboro and Stuarts Draft

10655308_gThe Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC), in cooperation with Virginia Regional Transit, has made revisions and schedule improvements impacting several routes in the BRITE Bus public transit system. The Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) North and South Shuttles, the Waynesboro Circulator route, and the 340 Connector route implemented these improvements in August to increase reliability, add more stops at key destinations, and allow for easier connections between routes. The changes were first recommended in the CSPDC’s Transit Development Plan (TDP), and are being incorporated after public feedback has indicated positive response.  Schedules for the new route changes are available at www.

Virginia Outdoor Plan Workshop Scheduled

outdoor-recreation-planThe Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) and the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission will hold a workshop for regional stakeholders of the Virginia Outdoor Plan, Sep. 30, 2016 10am-noon at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington,VA. Participants will learn what is needed to build a regional outdoor recreation program and receive updates on the VOP Mapper and Virginia Treasures initiative. The event is geared for Local parks and recreation directors & staff, outdoor recreation-focused organizations, local and regional planners or representatives, land conservation representatives, private sector outdoor recreation representatives, and regional representatives for agencies that support outdoor recreation and conservation. View the agenda here and register for the event here.