For many of our localities, housing is a central issue in planning for the future. The CSPDC has been instrumental in assisting localities in developing housing programs and administering housing projects which provide safe, decent, affordable housing for low and moderate-income households, as well as first-time homebuyers in the Region.
In July 2021, Virginia Housing announced $40 million in grants to Virginia’s 21 Planning District Commissions towards the creation of new housing initiatives through the PDC Housing Development Program. The program will promote regional approaches to planning and development, bring together local housing partners, and support housing projects that create new affordable housing units. The CSPDC was awarded $2 million in funding to support to the creation of new affordable rental and homeownership housing units throughout the region, and is positioned to provide gap funds to various affordable housing development efforts. Specifically, the CSPDC will facilitate the development of at least 20 affordable units at 80% Area Median Income (AMI) or less by July 1, 2024. Through this opportunity, the CSPDC will work closely Virginia Housing and the region’s housing delivery partners including local governments, housing authorities, non-profit organizations, developers, and other groups working to address the need for affordable housing.
Updates and information regarding the PDC Housing Development Program will be posted to this page. In early 2022, the PDC will be releasing a Request for Proposals for applicants seeking gap funds for their affordable housing development. Please check this page frequently for updates.