Request for Proposal for Turnkey Transit Service Provision

brite-logo-vThe Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission is soliciting proposals from interested parties to provide turnkey provision of transit service referred to as BRITE Bus.

The RFP document can be accessed here.

Click on the following links to view the amendments:

I-64 Corridor Study Kicks Off

mapA public meeting has been scheduled for 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. December 12, 2016 at the Crozet Public Library located at 2020 Library Avenue in Crozet. This Open House will provide information and solicit the public’s feedback as part of an interregional study of transportation needs in the I-64 corridor between Charlottesville and Staunton.

The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) and the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission are undertaking a transportation study to examine transportation issues in the I-64 Corridor from Charlottesville to Staunton. The project will examine traffic congestion, transit, vehicle speeds and public safety issues. This Open House provides an opportunity to learn about the study and interact with the study team and agency officials. Most importantly, it will allow citizens the opportunity to provide input and identify areas of concern. The project study team will be available to answer your questions and take your comments.

For more information, please visit the study website:

Fields of Gold Publishes Fence Talk

fence-talk“Fence Talk,” the Fields of Gold Farm Trail Newsletter that provides valuable information and resources to members of the Fields of Gold Farm Trail was published in October. This latest edition featured training and conference opportunities, marketing tools, and profiles of member farms and signature
events. Read the entire newsletter here:

Braiding the Way Community Forums Planned

b7b9e47e-1520-4f3c-b995-0d33cad7f6d7A series of community forums have been scheduled for the Braiding the Way for Outdoor Recreation initiative in the Rockbridge Area. The purpose of the forums is to give the public the chance to review inventoried outdoor recreation assets such as trails, parks, boat access points, campgrounds, and birding / wildlife sites and to provide input about specific outdoor recreation projects that are important to their families and the community.

The final forum for 2016 was held on December 5th at Fairfield Elementary School. Additional meetings are in the works for early 2017.

Bicycling in the Central Shenandoah Valley Economic Impact Analysis Results Released

Bicycling in the Central Shenandoah Valley Economic Impact Analysis Results Released

bicyclingA “Bicycling in the Central Shenandoah Valley” Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) was conducted by the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) in conjunction with regional partners from Shenandoah County Tourism, Bryce Resort, Greater Augusta Regional Tourism, Harrisonburg Tourism, Rockingham County, Lexington & the Rockbridge Area Tourism, Massanutten Resort, and the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition. The study looked at the current direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts of cycling within the region’s four counties and five cities, and estimated the impact of bicycle tourism on the local retail, lodging, and restaurant businesses. Total economic impact of $13.6 million that supported 184 jobs was reported for 2015.  The entire report can be viewed here.

BRITE Bus Makes Route Changes in Waynesboro and Stuarts Draft

BRITE Bus Makes Route Changes in Waynesboro and Stuarts Draft

10655308_gThe Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC), in cooperation with Virginia Regional Transit, has made revisions and schedule improvements impacting several routes in the BRITE Bus public transit system. The Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) North and South Shuttles, the Waynesboro Circulator route, and the 340 Connector route implemented these improvements in August to increase reliability, add more stops at key destinations, and allow for easier connections between routes. The changes were first recommended in the CSPDC’s Transit Development Plan (TDP), and are being incorporated after public feedback has indicated positive response.  Schedules for the new route changes are available at www.

Virginia Outdoor Plan Workshop Scheduled

outdoor-recreation-planThe Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) and the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission will hold a workshop for regional stakeholders of the Virginia Outdoor Plan, Sep. 30, 2016 10am-noon at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington,VA. Participants will learn what is needed to build a regional outdoor recreation program and receive updates on the VOP Mapper and Virginia Treasures initiative. The event is geared for Local parks and recreation directors & staff, outdoor recreation-focused organizations, local and regional planners or representatives, land conservation representatives, private sector outdoor recreation representatives, and regional representatives for agencies that support outdoor recreation and conservation. View the agenda here and register for the event here.