Construction Continues at the Lewis Street Transit Hub

After great anticipation, construction work officially began on the Lewis Street Transit Hub on April 15. Construction crews from Virginia Infrastructure demolished the existing asphalt and have begun preparing the foundation for the new and improved transit hub. You may have seen activity on the lot as you passed by on Lewis Street. We are amazed each week at how much progress has been made since our last site visit! At the end of May, the contractors completed all excavating and grading work to level the site and have laid the base layer materials that will help mitigate water runoff ensuring the longevity of the pavement.

The most notable change to the lot recently is the installation of the stone retaining wall. This wall will not only serve retaining purposes for the slope of the lot but will also provide additional seating for passengers as they wait for their bus.

Over the next few weeks, we expect to see more curb and sidewalk being poured. By this time next month, it will really begin to take the shape of the future hub. Work on the site is ongoing and on schedule. The CSPDCs still anticipates a completion date by the end of summer.

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