The CSPDC is pleased to award five grants through the Watershed Wellness Mini-Grant Program. The grants are used for the planning and installation of stormwater best management practices through the Commission’s Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) program. The program is funded by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in support the State of Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay pollution reduction goals.
The grantees include the towns of Bridgewater, Buena Vista, and Elkton, and the non-profit Rockbridge Conservation based in Lexington. Four installation projects were awarded for the planting of native trees, shrubs, and compost application in dense urban settings and along stream banks to address erosion, run-off, and sediment. One planning study was awarded to identify BMPs to address streambank run-off along a walking trail.
The grant program provides up to $3,500 in non-match funding for stormwater BMP planning and installation for localities and non-profits in the CSPDC region.