FEMA Approves CSPDC Funding for Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

On January 25 the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) notified the CSPDC of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) approval decision to source a significant portion of the Central Shenandoah Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan (CSHMP) update. The CSHMP update cost estimate is $140,000. FEMA will provide 75% in funding, the State will source a 20% match, and the CSPDC will furnish the remaining 5% cost-share requirement. FEMA is also providing an additional $7K in sub-recipient management cost funds for the effort.

In order to gain potential federal hazard mitigation funding, each of our local governments within the CSPDC region must develop and adopt a HMP per the  Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. This plan is updated every five years after gaining FEMA approval. The original CSHMP was approved in 2006 with additional approvals occurring in 2013 and 2021. VDEM and CSPDC personnel will coordinate the latest grant implementation and kick-off meeting in the near future. Afterwards, the regional planning process will begin with a meeting of appointed representatives from our 21 jurisdictions and other interested agencies and stakeholders to move the effort forward. Project completion is targeted for 2025.

Posted in Main Featured, News.