Commonwealth Supply Chain and Logistics Survey Underway

The Commonwealth Center for Advanced Logistics Systems (CCALS), in collaboration with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), the State Chamber of Commerce, and the Port of Virginia, has launched a survey of the Commonwealth’s Supply Chain and Logistics ecosystem.  The survey seeks input (opportunities/challenges) from BOTH providers of logistics (rail, truck, air, water, etc.) and those who rely on logistics (retailers, hospitals, manufacturers, energy, broadband, agriculture, etc.). Survey results will inform VEDP’s new logistics and supply chain programs/strategies, help guide policy initiatives, establish funding priorities, and advance projects along the way.

The initial survey is intended to be a high-level overview to inform and enhance logistics and supply chain conversations in Virginia. Follow-on analyses will likely be conducted to go deeper into regional results and industry-specific assessments, therefore statewide participation is strongly encouraged. The survey is being conducted by a multi-university team of five students – one from each of the CCALS’ member universities – VSU, VCU, ODU, UVA, and Longwood University.

More information and access to the survey can be found at:

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